Adcepts – No more ‘Ones that Got Away’

One of the most frustrating things in life is dwelling on missed opportunities. Think about the man from the Decca record label who turned down the Beatles or the Apple founder who sold his 10% share for $850. Yet these are examples where the missed opportunity is apparent and measurable. For owners of new or existing brands that have relied on concept statements as their chief qualitative research stimulus, the fact is that they will never know what opportunities have passed them by, unseen.

The reason for this is simple. Typically, concept statements are limited to a maximum of six per focus group – just six opportunities to find an area of potential consumer interest. Such a narrow focus means that themes considered less likely to offer potential never see the light of day. These will generally include more challenging and progressive ideas that can prove to be game-changers in any market. So not only is the field narrowed at the outset, it also excludes the more revolutionary thinking that leads to the genuine innovation that creates market leadership for a brand.

But the problem goes deeper still. Even if the general opportunity area described by a concept statement is potentially interesting to consumers, concept statements give just one shot at communicating that idea. Without exploring different angles and emotional feelings around that theme, many potentially strong ideas will be passed over. This is where Adcepts come into their own…

Adcepts are different from concept statements in that they are in the everyday language of brands – advertising. They can convey emotion in a way that concept statements can’t, so a particular theme can be explored from multiple angles in terms of message and tone. B7 has developed a methodology whereby up to 80 Adcepts can be shown to a focus group. This means that far more idea areas can be evaluated in research and that riskier, more innovative themes can be included. Once the areas of interest are narrowed down by the group, they can then be examined from a number of different angles, so that a very precise understanding of what is most motivating for consumers is understood, both functionally and emotionally.

B7’s Paul Tidmarsh says “Adcepts are the most effective way to uncover the full possibilities and potential of a brand. Make sure to give your brand its very best shot and that no big opportunities are needlessly missed.”

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